
第三屆 臺灣國際低溫治療論壇 2019

2019 3rd Taiwan Therapeutic Hypothermia Forum

    1. Where is the way of the temperature management in acute brain injury ?
    2. Post cardiac arrest Care, can we do it better?
    3. Nursing in the case under temperature management
    4. Pre-forum Workshop of therapeutic hypothermia for provider

    31st May, 2019

    Pre-forum workshop of the therapeutic hypothermia for provider

    1st June, 2019

    Taiwan Therapeutic Hypothermia Forum

 Language medium:Chinese 

 Organized by:Taiwan Neurotrauma Society

 Co-organized by :
    1. Society of Emergency & Critical care medicine, Taiwan
    2. Wattcan Instruments Co., Ltd.
    3. GlaxoSmithKline plc

報名方式:31st May, 2019 工作坊 需繳交報名費 (醫師 NTD800, 其他 NTD 400)
                      1st June, 2019臺灣國際低溫治療論壇免報名費
地點:台大醫學院(台北市中正區仁愛路一段一號) 102, 103講堂